Yoga Archives - West Asheville Yoga

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Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York

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West Asheville Yoga / Posts tagged "Yoga"

[Indoor/Virtual] Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson

8 Sundays- Feb 19th- April 9th 5:30-7pm Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson Hybrid Sundays from 5:30-7pm Session One: The Mahābhārata and Arjuna's Lament (Viṣāda) Session Two: Chapter 2 (Sāṅkhya) Session Three: Chapters 3-4 (Karma) Session Four: Chapters 5-7 (Dhyāna) Session Five: Chapters 8-10 (Rāja) Session Six: Chapters 11-12 (Bhakti) Session Seven: Chapters 13-15 (Puruṣa) Session Eight: Chapters 16-18 (Mokṣa) Each session comes with guided meditation, interactive discussion techniques, real time Q & A and lifetime access to a pre-recorded lecture $30 for drop-ins $216 for all eight sessions (Any translation of the Gītā is welcome, however this one will be recommended :) ...

My Postpartum Journey

I am now 7 months postpartum.  I am a yogi.  I own a yoga studio, and I taught yoga until I was 40 weeks pregnant.  I really didn’t miss a beat.  Right after my birth, I can not tell you the number of people that said, “You look great!” or “Wow, already in your jeans?” or “Did you really just have a baby?”  These are nice things to hear, but do you know what these comments don’t address? How I was actually feeling.    I had complications after my birth (which so many mothers have in some shape or form).  My body was working extra hard to keep me functioning and to keep my baby healthy.  So, on the outside, I looked fine. But on the inside,...

online yoga streaming

Get the Most our of your LIVE STREAM Yoga Class

As you may have notice, due to COVID-19 most Yoga Studios have closed their doors and have turned to live stream classes.  Technology is great, but it can be hard to stay focused during a virtual class.    Here are our top 3 tips to get the most out of live stream classes: Set aside the time and space.  Set yourself up for success and put the distractions away, like you would at the studio.  You deserve the time to focus on you and, let's face it, being at home can be distracting.  Put away your phone! If possible, go in a seperate room from your partner, kids, or roommates. Give yourself space.   Turn your video on. It can feel weird and vulnerable to have your video on, but...