[Indoor/Virtual] Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson - West Asheville Yoga

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Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York

[Indoor/Virtual] Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson

West Asheville Yoga / [Indoor/Virtual] Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson
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19 Feb

[Indoor/Virtual] Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson

February 19, 2023 from 5:30 pm to April 9, 2023 from 7:00 pm

8 Sundays- Feb 19th- April 9th 5:30-7pm

Bhagavadgītā Study with Michael Johnson
Sundays from 5:30-7pm
Session One: The Mahābhārata and Arjuna’s Lament (Viṣāda)
Session Two: Chapter 2 (Sāṅkhya)
Session Three: Chapters 3-4 (Karma)
Session Four: Chapters 5-7 (Dhyāna)
Session Five: Chapters 8-10 (Rāja)
Session Six: Chapters 11-12 (Bhakti)
Session Seven: Chapters 13-15 (Puruṣa)
Session Eight: Chapters 16-18 (Mokṣa)
Each session comes with guided meditation, interactive discussion techniques, real time Q & A and lifetime access to a pre-recorded lecture
$30 for drop-ins
$216 for all eight sessions
(Any translation of the Gītā is welcome, however this one will be recommended 🙂

About the Instructor

Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson has been a full-time instructor for over 20 years, teacher trainer since 2003, advanced teacher trainer since 2007 and now offers in-depth month long courses on Yoga, Āsana, Vinyāsa, Prāṇāyāma, Meditation, Philosophy, Sanskrit, and Mantra.  clearlightyoga.com.