Vibrant Beyond 50 (8 wk series or drop in) - West Asheville Yoga

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Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York

Vibrant Beyond 50 (8 wk series or drop in)

West Asheville Yoga / Vibrant Beyond 50 (8 wk series or drop in)
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08 Jan

Vibrant Beyond 50 (8 wk series or drop in)

January 8 from 10:30 am to February 26 from 12:00 pm
Vibrant Beyond 50
          Join Lillah Schwartz for this 8 week series

• balanced practice sets addressing specific challenges of aging

• Live contemporary meditations grounded in the physics of consciousness to reduce stress and help you center

• Progressive moves offered weekly to safely open areas of restriction for a more fluid body

• Pose modifications using props to accommodate joint limitations you may have

• Insight into ways your body is connected to receive the full benefit of your yoga practice

• How breath and meditation contribute to better health and longevity

And more…

$120 for 8 week series

$18 Drop In

Event Registration

Register for Vibrant Beyond 50

Event Details

Date: January 8 from 10:30 am to February 26 from 12:00 pm
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Venue West Asheville Yoga
Address: 602 Haywood Road